Jan Chetna Sansthan, Abu Road, Sirohi, Rajasthan

Area Profile

Abu Road block has a population of 1,65,000 of which 68 % are tribals. These tribes reside in the interior parts of the forest and depend on the forest as their main source of livelihood. They also engage in agriculture during the monsoon season. 65% of the total area consists of forestland with only 6 % land being under cultivation. These farmlands are of poor quality due to soil erosion as they are situated on the slopes of the mountains.

In these villages, there are practically no basic amenities like safe drinking water, electricity, health services, roads and schools etc. Among the tribals the literacy rate is as low as 13.17% for men and 0.85 % for women.

Depleting natural resources due to increasing deforestation, denial of right over the natural habitat because of the reservation of forestland and unreliable monsoon have severely affected their system livelihood pattern. In the absence of a regular source of income, the people often have to migrate to the cities in search of labour, facing exploitation with fewer wages for more working hours. The women are the worst victims of this exploitative condition.

Considering the difficulties faced by the tribal folks, the social activists decided to work in the area and help the people attain their basic rights through organized and collective efforts. The major thrust of the organization is to make people aware of their rights and capacity building to solve their problems with their own efforts.

Initially, work was started with 10 tribal villages but gradually the area of action has now expanded to 55 villages where active groups are formed. During the struggle for common issues like right over the forestland, remuneration for Tendu leaf collection etc. people from about 60 villages collaborates.

# Physiography
# Land use pattern
# Social Situation
# Economic Situation


Social Audit

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