Economically the people in the villages are very poor and thus Mahajans
and upper class from nearby towns are exploiting them. Government of Rajasthan
has taken initiative to start many programmes for their upliftment, but
due to the lack of awareness among the people the programmes do not trickle
down to them. Therefore, the sources of income are very less and since
last 6 - 7 years there are very less rains in the area, this has added
up to their agony. Whatever little source of income they had have been
washed away due to less rainfall. The economy of the villagers is based
on agriculture.
There are no industries in the block, which are working
in villages. Women in Tribals are equally share the economy of a
household and the 50% and in some instances female of the family
earns up to 75% of the income e.g. She is involved in collection
of forest produce and selling the same in nearby markets. This cycle
shows that the main bread earner is a woman in a family.
The problem of Child Labour is becoming acute due to the drought
seasons. One can see two-three child labors in service sectors such
as hotels and private hospitals and in grocery shops etc. To put
in percentages it is not less than 10% and in Abu Road itself it
is around 2-3%, rest of the children are engaged in hazardous jobs
in Gujarat those who have migrated from this block along with their
Migration is a major source of livelihood in tribal (42%), about
64% people migrates in search of labour every year to nearby cities
and in Gujarat. Migration is on peak during the month of November
- December and return back to their home before Holi.
