Jan Chetna Sansthan, Abu Road, Sirohi, Rajasthan


Our main strategy is to strengthen and capacitate Bhakhar Bhitrot Adivasi Vikas Manch (BBAVM) with active participation of women, which can play a meaningful and decisive role in taking up developmental activities. This forum plays a key role in taking up the cause of tribal not only at the village level but beyond it, by taking up issues that affect their lives, such as the right of the tribal over the Forest Land, water, Tribal Self Rule etc.
Ample support and guidance is provided so that the people can do the lobbying over the issues. We have also identified other people's organizations that are engaged in similar kind of work. Networking with these groups is helpful in strengthening and advocating the causes.

Our experience has shown that the tribal women, although oppressed and exploited, contain within themselves tremendous source of strength and fortitude. A11 that is required is acceptance of their potential and provision of support and opportunities for their development as role- holders. During the current phase we tried to incorporate gender issues in the BBAVM and we see that the female members of the BBAVM play a major role. More and more number of active women has been included in the forum and they give their inputs while taking some major or concrete decisions. This way gender has an important part of our strategy.

Jan Chetna Sansthan is working in the villages to support the people to attain their rights through organized and collective effort. The major thrust of JCS is to make people aware of their rights and build their capacities through social education, training and information dissemination to take collective action to resolve their issues.
To achieve this, JCS has formed Peoples Organization and Peoples Institutions, which strive to access and control their primary livelihood resources viz. land, forests etc. to effect sustainable community development.
After the initial proactive approaches to manage these PO, PI’s, JCS is presently focusing on decentralizing the PO and PI’s to function independently and make them more accountable toward their community. JCS strive to increasingly play a supportive role with providing maximum space for local leadership development.

0 Promoting and Strengthening CBOs
0 Right to Information (RTI)
0 Resource Center/ materials
0 Networking
0 Liaison with Govt. Deptt.

Strategy CBO


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