Jan Chetna Sansthan, Abu Road, Sirohi, Rajasthan

Women Empowerment

The scenario of women has changed drastically from being worshiped as Devi to victim of domestic violence. Our organization makes effort to bring women out of their house's premises and look after the developments of the village. Laws related to domestic violence and inhuman treatment is notified and they are asked to attend the Gram Sabhas and take active part in the village meetings.

In order to help widows and single and separated women Jan Chetna Sansthan have promoted Ekal Naari Shakti Sangathan in Abu Road block, Sirohi. It works to ensure a rightful living for single women and addressing their problems. It also works towards getting them widow pension and other benefits under any government schemes. Block level committee of this Sangathan conducts meetings every month to discuss current month’s activities and plan future actions. Ekal Naari Shakti Sangathan decided to celebrate 1st June (Empowerment Day) as Mahila Sashaktikaran Diwas and they have been doing this since last four years. This year, on 1st June, around 250 women congregated at Panchayat Samiti, Abu Road to put forth their demand for drinking water in their villages as all the villages were affected due to drought. They also gave applications for widow pensions and for some work under Employment Guarantee Scheme.
Self Help Groups of women are made with a view to make them economically empowered and reduce their dependence on the man of the family for their immediate and emergency needs.

Mahila Panchayats
JCS organizes Mahila Panchayats at the village level. Now more than 500 women are linked to the mahila Panchayat programme. Mahila Panchayats oversees the investigation, case registration, arbitration, judgment and follow-up of domestic violence cases. In Mahila Panchayats JCS conducts legal literacy workshops for educating rural women. JCS builds the capacity of community based paralegal caseworkers and provides legal aid and counseling to women in crisis situations.

The Mahila Panchayats provide an opportunity for women and men to speak openly and fearlessly when seeking interventions and arbitrations to resolve disputes. The panchayats do not replace the judicial system. Instead, they present a cost-effective, intermediary solution that is women-led, gender-sensitive, and in touch with the needs of the community.
This programme aims to bring the women in leading role in PRIs.

Focus on women in other development programmes
JCS incorporates a gender perspective into the planning, designing, adoption and execution of all programmes and processes, as appropriate, in order to promote equitable, effective and appropriate resource allocation to support gender equality and development programmes that enhance women's empowerment and development.


Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

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