Communal Harmony Forum
JCS is promoting communal harmony in the area with the youth volunteers.
JCS has formed committees under the name- Aman Biraadari for communal
harmony, with the help of Manavadhikar Sandarbh Kendra, Jaipur.
It has also kept many books related to peace and harmony in the
libraries to inculcate the feeling of brotherhood among the children
and youth. Aman Pathiks are trained in skits and songs and wall
writings to spread the message of harmony and peace in the area.
Youth played a significant role in this programme.
During the campaign of communal harmony, 30 Aman Committees and
20 libraries were formed. Youths of the village come to these libraries
to read the materials sent by Manavadhikar Sandarbh Kendra.
The endeavour will be to create a fraternity of secular communities
for ensuring peace and social understanding.

